Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter at the Gaylord

We had a great day today. We went to the Gaylord hotel for brunch. We missed my family that was supposed to go with us, but we had so much fun. The boys were so excited that they could chose between breakfast or lunch. Jake got two Easter cookies for dessert and he laughed and laughed as he at the ears off the bunny and the nose off the chick. Maybe I should be disturbed about that but oh well. The rain had finally stopped by the time we were done so we were able to go to this little garden and I took pictures of Doug and the boys. We came home and had an egg hunt inside because it was so wet. I hacked William off by getting eggs full of fruit snacks and not candy. Whatcha gonna do. I think it was mainly because Jake had an egg hunt at Shayla's and got candy. He just needs to suck it up. Hee Hee. Hope everyone had a great day. Even with rain.
Have a great week!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Wonderful pictures, and we missed being there, too, as we went to Crystal's wedding there Saturday night and loved the Gaylord, so maybe another day. Funny about the easter egg hunt and William not getting candy!!