Monday, April 6, 2009

Crazy Jake

My Jake has got to be the craziest child in the world. He just keeps me laughing all the time. This weekend was no different. I must say he was in rare form that is for sure. On Saturday when we were headed to dinner Sexy Back came on the radio and he asked for me to turn it up. I asked him if he was dancing and when I turned around he was bopping to the music. A few days before the same song was on the radio and he asked to turn it up then as well. On Sunday we went to Dickie's for dinner. Sat & Sunday Kids are free!!! Anyway. He was going around the house saying Yeah Dickie's, Yeah Dickie's. On the way William mad a comment that he wished we were going to Burger King. We said a resounding No and then Jake popped off with "Burger King is over." Doug and I busted out laughing. I would not want him any other way.

Have a great week!

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