What a great day yesterday. My little guy turned 4. I know I talk about this all the time but it is hard and amazing watching them grow up. My baby is four. He will be in Kindergarten not his fall but next. We started the day with Birthday Breakfast. His choice was French Toast Sticks. He got to open his cards and his present from Mom & Dad while he waited for his breakfast. In the midst of eating his breakfast he told Doug it was the best breakfast. He is such a nut. He wanted to wear his Link costume top to Shayla's so he got to wear that and his hat. Thank you Shayla for sparing it from the cupcakes. That icing was very messy. He was very excited. Since he is now 4 he got to play on the top of the small play structure at Shayla's. Boy does he think that is cool. William had skills class so once they finally called it because of weather we went to dinner. Jake chose Pizza Hut. Thank the Lord we were not stuck at McDonald's or Burger King. When we got home Jake started to turn the light off over the table and getting a chair ready. I asked him what he was doing and he said getting ready to blow the candles out. I guess he has learned the routine in the Harrison household. We finished the night with Jake requesting another birthday breakfast. Guess he wants his day to just go on and on. But who doesn't? Birthday Breakfast. Nice bed head Jake showing off one of his presents. William gives the thumbs up. Blowing out the candles. Yes he still has the costume on. William reading one of Jake's books to him and Pepper.
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