Friday, June 27, 2008

Wonderful Things for Jessie Hall

For those of you keeping track little Jessie moved her left arm today. That is amazing seeing as the right side of her brain is no longer there. I am soo glad she is doing well. It is nice to know of a family that leaves the PICU. It is awesome. For those I have not told about Jessie she is the daughter of a coworker and has a condition that is rare. You can check her out at:
You can even order Pray for Jessie bracelets. I want to get Doug a shirt that says Real Men wear Pink for Jessie. Seeing what they are doing really wants me to get my foundation idea off the ground. When Cris comes back to work I will have to ask him about how they do it.

Happy greetings from Chicago!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Isn't Technology Grand

Right now as I blog this I am having dinner with Doug and the kids. We are interacting via our webcams. It is nice because being gone for 10 days I obviously don't get to see them. Doug came up with this idea. When this trip came up and I told him about it he immediately thought of the webcam idea. Another parent who is on this trip wishes he thought of doing something like this. He is going a little crazy but is doing great.


Monday, June 23, 2008


Well. I am sitting here in Chicago. The BNSF has put me up at the lovely Holiday Inn in Countryside, Il. It has been a whirlwind of a day.... The flight was not bad. I did get sick earlier. It started with a slight headache that just got worse and worse. We all went to dinner and I ended up throwing up in the bathroom after only eating maybe a half of my meal. Felt a little better and we started back to the hotel. Lovely.. Got sick in the car on the way to Walgreens to get some Advil. The people in the car had no idea. Get ready to get sick. I had to contain it until we stopped the car at Walgreens. YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! I got some Advil and I am feeling much better. I got to talk to Doug and the boys via webcam earlier. Since I am gone until July 2nd that is our way of me and the boys to see each other. Jake thought it was soo funny. I need to have Doug figure out if he can record those. He mainly wanted to see himself in the window. Doug did say he walked around asking for me this morning and when they got home. When I left for the airport this morning I cried a little. When I went to kiss William goodbye he woke up a little and hugged me. This is the longest I have been away from those guys. When I first started with the BNSF I went on a 5 day trip, but that was not too bad. William saw me that Monday morning and then I was back on Friday. Jake has only been away from me for 3 days. I know. Cut the cord. It is hard. Well. I will keep everyone posted on how much "fun" I am having in Chicago. I do love Chicago. This is my third time here, but the first not staying downtown. I am on days so I may not get to see as much as I want, but we will see. My friend Terry is her and he might switch a couple of days for nights with me so I will have days to go and sightsee. This is a 10 day straight training with no days off so that is why I want some nights.
Take care,

Monday, June 16, 2008

A Daughter Needs A Dad

A Daughter needs a Dad
who will influence her life
even when he isn't with her

A Daughter needs a Dad
so that when no one else is there with her,
she can close her eyes and see him

I miss you Dad. When I wish you were here with us I remember you have a very important job. You are keeping an eye on a very special angel until I am able to care for him myself.

All my love,

Happy Father's Day

We had a good day yesterday. Doug actually picked Incredible Pizza to do for his Father's Day. Ok. Off we went. The kids ate the pizza pretty well. We rode electric go carts. Jake was so cute. He is just tall enough to be able to ride as a passenger. He was not very happy when he did not get to drive though. Once we got started he was giddy. After driving we played mini golf and then mini bowling. I was really surprised how not busy it was with how hot it was outside. At least that made it easier on us. All in all it was a low key weekend. Doug and I did get to sneak away on Saturday night and go to a movie. Just the two of us. Can you believe it? We actually let Ethan stay home with the kids. The last time we had Mimi come over he seemed offended that we wouldn't leave the kids with him. Ethan did a good job, but I still feel comfortable with Mimi here as well. My other nieces need to get their babysitting skills up so they can start coming over for the Jakester. This Saturday we have a couples shower to go to so we actually get to have another "date" together. Yeah for us!!!
Take care,

Doug and the Kids

Doug helping Jake bowl

Doug hid just how beatdown he was

Monday, June 9, 2008

More Hand Me Downs

Poor Jake gets another hand me down. But he is just so darn cute in it. Momma B got this for William I think for his 2nd Christmas. We have had it all this time. William actually stopped using about a year ago. It still technically fits him. It is just real short. I bet Mom will have a kick when she sees this and the Jakester is wearing it. He loves the slippers. William has requested a new pair since Jake has taken these over. Of course he will get his wish. And the ironic thing is that will just create a new hand me down for Jake.
Lots of Love,

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Little Body Big Heart

Doug told me that last night while I was at dinner William came into him just crying. When Doug asked him what was wrong he said he missed Baby Ryan. I do suspect that sometimes he does that for attention, but I think he honestly understands how much Doug and I miss him and that feeds to him. That really got me thinking about my little guy and I though I would post this poem.

Much Love,

Don't Mourn For Me

Mother, please don't mourn for me
I'm still here, though you don't see
I'm right by your side, each night and day
And within your heart I long to stay
My body is gone but I'm always near
I'm everything you see, feel or hear
My spirit is free, but I'll never depart
As long as you keep me alive in your heart
I'll never wander out of your sight
I'm the brightest star on a summer night
I'll never be beyond your reach
I'm the warm moist sand when you're at the beach
I'm the colorful leaves when fall comes around
And the pure white snow that blankets the ground
I'm the beautiful flowers of which you're so fond
The clear cool water in a quiet pond
I'm the first bright blossom you'll see in the spring
The first warm raindrop that April will bring
I'm the first ray of light when the sun starts to shine
And you'll see that the face in the moon is mine
When you start thinking there's no one to love you
You can talk to me through the Lord above you
I'll whisper my answer through the leaves on the trees
You'll feel my presence in the soft summer breeze
I'm the hot salty tears that flow when you weep
And the beautiful dreams that come while you sleep
I'm the smile you see on baby's face
Just look for me Mommy
I'm everyplace

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Potty Training

This is the extent of potty training in the Harrison household at the moment. Last year Jake really showed some great signs of getting things done, and then completely stepped back. Today training consists of he says he needs to go potty, but when we get in the bathroom he will have already just done it in his diaper. At least he knows he is going and where he is supposed to get things done. He especially wants to do it when Bubee is occupying that space. Jake really does like to "read" when he is on there.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Graduation Gift

William got his Graduation Gift today. We got him a skateboard. He has been wanting one and once again Mom and Dad indulged. He was so excited. He actually did really good with the board. Of course he had pads and supports all over his body. He was hilarious. Jake wanted more than anything to get on that board. He was really hacked when he couldn't. He got on his little ride on and kept calling it his skateboard. Bear with me on the posting thing. I am still learning how to do all of this.
Talk to you soon,

William's Kindergarten Graduation

Today was a great day. William graduated from Kindergarten. His last day is actually tomorrow the 3rd. We had so much fun. They actually did a little ceremony complete with playing Pomp & Cirumstance and all. I cried. Not too bad though. He was so excited to have Doug and I there. He kept waving. We taped it of course and are trying to figure out how to post it for everyone to see. It was so sweet. He was very happy that Ms. Jackie was not going to pick him up and take him to Mrs. Shayla's. He had Mom & Dad to himself all day. He wanted to eat lunch at Burger King and go play Lunar Golf. And so that is what we did. I can't believe my little guy is growing up. It all goes by so quickly.
Lots of Love,

Mrs. Renfro giving William a hug when he got his diploma.

Mom and William after the ceremony.

Tim's Graduation

Wow. Tim actually graduated. What sucks is he was born about a week before I graduated. Man am I getting old. At least he graduated. He is back home and seems to be getting himself together. Mary did a good job being nice to his friends and making them feel welcome. It was a hot booger on Saturday. I thought the boys were going to be permanently red. They had a ton of fun though. Here are a few pics from the day.
Take Care,

Tim walking to get in line. Nice earrings. You won't believe the hair under the hat.

And now what is under the hat. Yikes!

My Sweet William in Tim's graduation hat.