Thursday, October 9, 2008


William lost his one of his front teeth last night. I knew a couple of weeks ago something was happening. His outside (lateral) incisors were really starting to move apart and causing a pretty good size gap. You can see in the picture on the side the tooth is still there how much things have moved apart. I wiggled the two front (central) incisors and low and behold they were both loose. After many nights of wiggling Doug pulled it last night. He was freaked out but happy to put it in his pillow. He is truly on his way to being a snaggletooth. He is even doing the whole lisping thing. Too funny. The other is pretty loose as well and should be coming out shortly. Sorry for the food particles in his mouth in the pic. He was eating breakfast when I took the picture. Since I am the Mom of the Year he is eating Pop Tarts for breakfast. Go Me! Breakfast of champions right there.

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