Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lake Travis Adventure Pt1

What a great start to the weekend. On our way down to Lake Travis we stopped at Whitney to see Doug's parents. We had a nice lunch and it was good to see them. We hadn't seen them since Christmas. Downtown Whitney had great character. Found a great wall to take the boys picture. William posed like a little model. Cracked me up. Once we finally got through Round Rock traffic we arrived at the rent house. Rustic is the first thing that came to mind. Not exactly what I was expecting. It is clean and has all the amenities but kind of jungle. This area reminds me a lot of LA up in the hills. Nice houses squeezed onto a small lot on winding roads with smaller more rustic homes in between. But the boys like it so that is the important thing. They slept well last night but I can't say the same for Doug. He should be fine the rest of the time. Doug & i sat on one of the decks last night. We read, watched the lights on the lake and had tasty beverages. It was great. Will continue with Pt 2 tomorrow. The only thing we have planned today is a trip to the park and Iguana Grill.
Take care!

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