Oh my goodness. My big guy is 8 years old now. Where did the time go? I vividly remember being in labor and then ending up with a C-Section after 13 hours of labor. I was terrified at the idea of a c-section but he knew he was not supposed to be born that way. It ended up the cord was wrapped around his neck. He was lodged in my hip and didn't want to move any lower. Everyone and their dog was there with us. Thank goodness. What a gift to have my family and my friends at the hospital for the birth of my first child. Actually the first child in the group. William was such a wonderful baby, toddler, preschooler, schooler, you name it. Watch. He will be hell as a teenager. That will be just our luck. I asked William how he thought his birthday weekend went and he said "Awesome!". We went to McDonald's on Friday night, his actual birthday, with Grace and Tanner. And then on Saturday his buddy from school went with us to Going Bonkers. And boy did they go Bonkers. I am so glad he enjoyed. I love you my big guy. Mommy's first little one.
Take care!
Bakugan Craziness
Birthday Boy!
Going Bonkers