Monday, July 6, 2009

Silly Stuff

Borrowed from my friend Emily's Blog.


Hair Color: Dark Reddish Brown - Gotta cover the gray.

Eye color: Green - or pondwater as it was called in the past. Notice I did not marry that guy.

Profession: Mom, Taxi, Wife, Friend. Oh yeah. Sr Analyst BNSF Railway.

Relationship status: Married to the most wonderful man in the world. Not the pondwater guy.

My Favorites:

Favorite color: Purple. Green is making up the list though

Favorite movie: I have to say it. The Harry Potter Series. Actually usurp Pride & Prejudice (A&E Version)

Favorite animal: Ferret

Favorite store: Target. I can get groceries, car parts, lawn furniture and underwear all in the same place

Favorite childhood memory: Christmas in St Joe. Those were fun times.

Favorite hobby: Relaxing

Favorite song/singer: Sting, Sting and did I say Sting?

Favorite book/author: Gotta go with the Potter series again. I know. I may be 37 but I do act like a 12 year old.
Favorite school subject: Government. Fascinated by the mechanics of how the thing should run.

Favorite vacation destination: Some place cooler than Texas

Favorite food: Mexican

Favorite restaurant: Taco Bueno. I am a Bueno Head and proud of it!

This or That:

Coke or pepsi : Diet Coke

Beer or wine: Wine

Coffee or tea: Tea - I really like Luzianne Decaf

Apple Juice or O.J.: I gotta go with Emily on this one. OJ with ice

Summer or Winter: Winter

Cats or dogs: Dogs. Cats are too uppity

Salty or sweet: Both together are heaven. Peanut Butter and Ruffles are a dream!

Plane or boat: Plane. I have an unnatural fear of water where I can't see the bottom.

Morning or night: Morning

Money or love: I'd love to have money - Good one Emily

Breakfast or dinner: Breakfast

Forgiveness or revenge: Unfortunately as a teenager revenge probably would have won out. But not anymore

House or apartment: House

Like to cook: I prefer to cook so Doug cleans

Have You Ever:

Got a speeding ticket: Of course

Wished you were someone else: Not someone else but somewhere else. My life as bad as it has been at times is pretty dang wonderful.

Cried during a movie: Who truly hasn't?

Describe yourself in one word: Calm

Biggest fear: Losing another one of my children

Biggest mistake: Not telling those I love how much I do enough

Your proudest accomplishment: Bringing three crazy boys into this world safely.

Dream job: Not sure about this one. How bad is that?

Special talents: Probably my ability to stay calm in almost any situation.

Where would you rather be at the moment: Cuddled in bed with all my boys watching a movie. Which is hard to accomplish with the Jakester.

Famous person you want to meet: Kat Von D. The one I wanted the most I got to meet. I was not disappointed when I got to meet him.

Song to be played at your funeral: I Am A Child Of God. The same hymn my beautiful nieces sang to me at Ryan's service.


Emily said...

I love Target too, I agree about the one stop shopping. I like to see your answers! I think we could totally hang out together ;0)

Emily said...

New Harry Potter movie for us this week!